This was forwarded to me by Freckle Face last night. This is from a clan head to her. It was edited because the man has small children and he mentioned their names. They were removed. That said this is Jack's teachings at work. Please feel free to leave commence below.
[Freckle Face],
How are you? (This is [MJJ] by the way, not sure I have emailed you from my email account)
It has been many months since we last chatted (via FB) and you are often on my mind. As I mentioned months ago I have had my own inner struggles with things and questions.... and have to say even more questions today. My conversation with my parents seemed to only stay within some unseen parameters which resulted in shoulder shurgs and we did not know anything about that... even my asking my mom about specific abuses that were covered up... but then again, at least the early one, would have been prior to her being in her position.
You have a wonderful website.... outside of the posting about the family, you right wonderfully! The whole thing about knocking on the bathroom door? Well it made me laugh and actually ponder it myself because of my proximity with the bathroom in my office, and watching different people approach it differently.. I have to say there is someone that simply walks up and pulls on the handle and does not knock! So I am paranoid about making sure it is locked! But seriously! They are likely the ones that dont answer when they are inside it and you knock... Anyway, I digress, but wanted to tell you I enjoy your writing...
I have read your recent postings and I am just floored by the experiences that you right of... Very deeply saddened unlike I have ever been and scratch my head to try and understand why I did not see these things? I just don't know what is right or wrong and hope that Hashem will some how show me the light directly! I have only ever heard rumors of [The Gay Man] and never heard anything first or even second hand. He and I were never more than an acquaintance but I knew enough to know he was a good kid, etc... How could anyone treat another the way you say he was treated? I don't understand it? Regardless of who he is or what he believes... Ok, maybe that does not conform with the family teachings and the like... but that is no excuse to condemn that person!
Your experience you mention of going to NYC for pizza and then being grilled on your way back... This is not love! We are supposed to love one another like Hashem loves us... Does Hashem have rules that we are expected to follow? Sure... God is the final judge and as far as I am concerned the only judge!
Can our parents zeal and love make them blind to things? Oh yes, I truly believe that... And their actions are clearly not going to be taken in the same way by anyone who has their own fears about anything... so this can just manifest and linger... not healthy... but where is there a healthy place for one to hash these out? That is hard....
Things are happening in this world right now that are clearly heading us down a dark road. I have felt this way for a long time and outside the context of the family and their teachings and/or beliefs. Too many pieces to too many puzzles are beginning to line up. Are there dark and sinister forces that are behind the scenes and in control? Yes, I believe this... it has been so since the beginning of man. Is the earth affected by this? Yes, I believe that to... and I will fit into Gods plan as God sees fit. I will seek his spirit and his will and hope that he will lead me in the right direction. I have all to often been a follower and latched on to things that seemed right or resonated with me. So for me it is for me to seek the truth and light of God and how it fits into the world today. For me... For [wife's name] and my children...
Although I have went on for some time already... the main reason I emailed was that you spoke of a dream you had.... and I wanted to know more about this. Honestly I wanted to ask if there was any way to meet... I would come up your way... I hate email as a primary communication type... but will let you decide how you feel about that. But a number of years ago I had a dream that had a similar tilt as yours and wonder what it means that we would have had similar stream of mind...
What if we are really the ones who will stave off a more sever judgment on the earth? What if we are the ones who are to step into the gap and through our prayers offer sacrifice for the nations? What if this is all true but that (and this has just come to me as I have been sitting here day dreaming) some how we have been corralled into this system to keep us from full potential and keep us from being out in the world... carzy and dark to consider that... could you be lead by that whom you are always told you are being protected from? My dream is not unlike yours in ways that point to things not being as they are... mine is of us being called and gathered as if it was time to go (where ever) but actually being led to our end. I try not to think of this dream at all since it specific includes my mother as someone doing the leading and someone the people are all trusting... but reading about yours made it hit home...
I have always been a believer of God being the only truth in the world. In the end only God knows what will happen and how it will happen. Which is why I would never condemn someone who simply did not believe the same thing as me. That is not to say I cannot disagree with you... of course I can. But it is how you handle that discourse and the other person that matters! There are many millions of 'faithful' in this world... and it really does not even matter if they are Muslim, hindu, buddhist... the believe is all that matters I suppose.
I hope that you and your family are well... I hope that [your family] are well also...
Chaperoning [one of the kids's] end of year field trip actually brought me out your way... what an amazing place! Anyway... I should get back to work!